Following the grave injustices caused by the British Post Office Horizon scandal, there is growing awareness that the institution of private prosecution while well-meaning can be misused, putting defendants in unfair positions related to prosecutors, who represent both victim and prosecutor, simultaneously. The system, at present, is fatally flawed, with deep conflicts of interest, and is detrimental to the public interest in two ways: convicting innocent people, as evidenced by the 700+ postal workers unjustly convicted between 2000-2014, while also depleting the public purse of legal defense funds that would otherwise serve the public good. Public confidence in the justice system is at a historical low for this reason and there is a growing awareness and need for reform acknowledged by the UK Parliament, and the Justice Committee, yet still not legislated and implemented. This is why we need a broad-based, grassroots coalition of advocates to reform the justice system. Learn more here.